(chibi time)

(time expr)
(time name expr)

(tm? obj)
(make-tm tm_sec tm_min tm_hour tm_mday tm_mon tm_year tm_isdst)
(time-second tm)
(time-minute tm)
(time-hour tm)
(time-day tm)
(time-month tm)
(time-year tm)
(time-day-of-week tm)
(time-day-of-year tm)
(time-dst? tm)

Accessors for the tm struct.

(timeval? obj)
(make-timeval tv_sec tv_usec)
(timeval-seconds timeval)
(timeval-microseconds timeval)

Accessors for the timeval struct.

(timezone? obj)
(timezone-offset timezone)
(timezone-dst-time timezone)

Accessors for the timezone struct.


Returns the current time as an integer number of seconds since an arbitrary epoch.


Returns the current time as a list of a timeval struct and a timezone.Set the current time from a timeval struct and and optional timezone.

(seconds->time time_t)

Convert an integer number of epoch seconds to a broken-down tm struct.

(time->seconds tm)

Convert a tm struct to an integer number of seconds.

(seconds->string time_t)

Format a datetime string from an integer number of epoch seconds.

(time->string tm)

Format a datetime string from a tm struct.

(rusage? obj)
(resource-usage-time rusage)
(resource-usage-system-time rusage)
(resource-usage-max-rss rusage)
(const: int resource-usage/self)
(const: int resource-usage/children)
(get-resource-usage int)