3  Module System

The module system is a simple, static, one-file per module system most closely resembling the Bigloo module system [Ser]. Before going into details we will show a simple example to give you an idea of where we're coming from and what problem Common-Scheme is attempting to solve.

Suppose you want to provide the Fibonacci function in a portable library. You decide conceptually that this function fits within the hierarchy of ``math'' modules, and so distribute this in a file fibonacci.scm under the folder math, with the following contents:

(common-module (math fibonacci)
  ((export fib))

(define (fib n)
  (if (< n 2)
    (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))


You also provide a program print-fib.scm which imports this module and uses it to print the Fibonacci value of a number supplied on the command-line:

(common-module ()
  ((import-extension (math fibonacci))
   (entry-point main))

(define (main args)
  (if (pair? (cdr args))
    (display (fib (string->number (cdr args))))
    (display "usage: print-fib <number>"))


Here we have gained something previously impossible with Scheme - portable libraries. The factioned Scheme community can begin to share code freely between implementations.

3.1  Syntax

Each file1 should contain exactly one common-module form at the top-level and nothing else.2 This should be considered a special form, and cannot be expanded from a macro or nested inside a begin. The name common-module was chosen to avoid conflicts with any existing module systems. The syntax is as follows:

(common-module <module-name>
  (<module-declaration> ...)
  <body-expr> ...


<module-name>         ::=  (<module-symbol> ...)
<module-declaration>  ::=  (entry-point <identifier>)
                        /  (export <export-clause> ...)
                        /  (export-syntax <export-clause> ...)
                        /  (import-extension <module-list> ...)
                        /  (import-syntax <module-list> ...)
                        /  (import-lazy <module-name> <identifier> ...)
                        /  (import-rename <module-name> <identifier> <identifier>)
                        /  (import-prefix <module-name> <symbol>)
                        /  (inherit <module-list> ...)
                        /  (keywords <suffix-keyword> ...)
                        /  (declare <declaration> ...)
<module-list>         ::=  (<module-symbol> ...)
                        /  (<module-symbol> ... <module-list> ...)
<declaration>         ::=  (<identifier> <data> ...)
<export-clause>       ::=  <identifier>
                        /  (<identifier> <data> ...)
<module-symbol>       ::=  <symbol> / <number>
<identifier>          ::=  <symbol>
<suffix-keyword>      ::=  <symbol>:
<body-expr>           ::=  <sexp>
<data>                ::=  <sexp>

entry-point declares the given identifier to be the entry point for a program.3 This is generally called main, as in SRFI-22, and has the same semantics. When the program is started, main will be called on a list of strings, the first element of which is the program name, and the remainder of which are the command-line arguments as strings. On Unix systems if main returns an integer that may be used as the process' exit code, however since the same program is intended to be usable on non-Unix systems the program should not return an error status if main returns something other than an integer.

export makes the given identifiers visible to other modules which import the current module. The second form where the identifier is the head of a list followed by arbitrary data is reserved for future extension, but implementations should support it now by simply ignoring the data.

export-syntax is the same as export but declares the exported values to be syntax.

import-extension imports the exported identifiers for each module in the list into the current module. This means the identifiers are visible in the current module's scope. Mutating those identifiers with set! affects only a local lexical copy of the variable, not the imported module. Shared mutable module variables can be achieved with parameters or other boxing techniques.

import-extension is also responsible for loading any module that is not already loaded. Loading of all imported modules occurs prior to initialization of the current module, in an unspecified order (but limited by the fact that each imported module's imports will be loaded before the imported module). Circular module references are not permitted. Initialization means binding of the current modules variables and execution of its <body-expr> forms, optionally followed by exection of a main procedure specified by entry-point.

import-syntax is exactly the same as import-extension except that the imported modules include syntax, which should be loaded at compile-time in addition to run-time and used in the macro expansion performed on the current module.

import-lazy, unlike the previous two expressions, imports only a single module, follwed by a list of identifiers, which must be bound to procedure values in the imported module. It is a hint to the implementation that the imported module may not always be needed, and can be loaded on demand to save time and memory, which can be crucial in very large systems such as Emacs. The implementation is free to load the library only when one of the imported procedures is called (or optionally referenced). This is only an optimization hint, and the above form may legally be treated as an import-extension of one module.

import-rename also imports a single module and a single identifier from that module, giving it a new local name. For example,

(import-rename (net http) download http-fetch)

imports http-fetch from the (net http) module, giving it the name download.

import-prefix is similar but imports all bindings from the module, prefixing every identifier with the specified prefix symbol.

inherit lets you extend or override one or more other modules. What it does is import the listed modules while at the same time exporting all of the bindings they export, in addition to whatever else you manually export. This can be used in a number of ways:

Equivalently powerful mechanisms can be found in other module systems, however this approach uses fewer new concepts, and the techniques involved are direct analogs of the equivalents in OOP so should be familiar to many users.

keywords is a way to use declare colon-suffixed DSSSL-style keywords. Basically, a keyword is just a symbol ending in a colon, however for convenience people often want them to be self-evaluating. Some Schemes already provide this functionality, but to use them seemlessly in other Schemes all you need to do is declare which keywords you want to use with a keywords declaration and the identifiers of the same name will be bound and exported as the symbol itself. For example,

(keywords key:)

would ensure that key: evaluates to 'key: in all implementations.

See let-keywords* below for a convenient way to define procedures which take keyword arguments. Currently no standard modules make use of keywords.

declare specifies compiler options and general system behavior that may be optional in implementations. Any identifier in a declare clause which is not known should be ignored. In fact, it is perfectly legal to ignore the entire declare clause. If an identifier is known to be only partially supported in some sense, it should be supported as best as possible rather than signalling an error.

At present this is fairly loosely defined, but the currently registered identifiers are as follows (all with no parameters):

3.2  Module Names

Many modern module systems support hierarchical module names for the same reason that we have hierarchical filesystems (or because of it?). With the number of modules named ``html'' or ``utils'' it's important to be able avoid conflicts. Therefore the module names take the form of a hierarchical list of symbols or numbers. For a single module (the <module-name> syntax) this is a flat list. Examples:

In a hierachical file-system the above names would translate to something like

and this is how they should be distributed.

As a special case, for programs you may specify an empty module name of () as the first parameter to common-module, and this will act as an anonymous module.

When importing modules, you often want to import a number of modules from within the same hierarchy. For instance, a program making heavy use of SRFI's with the above syntax might write something like:

(import-extension (org schemers srfi 1)
                  (org schemers srfi 2)
                  (org schemers srfi 13)
                  (org schemers srfi 14))

This is verbose and tedious, so we introduce a special syntax for <module-list> forms. If one of the module components is a list, then all subcomponents of the list are expanded into place as separate options. So for example, the above could be written:

(import-extension (org schemers srfi (1 2 13 14)))

Sublists within the list are taken as new hierachies. Naturally if they contain a third level of lists then those are expanded and spliced recursively, and so on. For example,

(import-extension (com myscheme ((text format) (net (smtp imap)))))

expands into

(import-extension (com myscheme text format)
                  (com myscheme net smtp)
                  (com myscheme net imap))

This is also optimally concise in that you never need to write the same module component twice. If you don't like the abbreviations you can always write the names out in full.

3.2.1  Choosing Names

Java uses a very rigid naming system using an organization's domain name to ensure uniqueness of module names. Perl uses a first-come, first-serve naming scheme which is inconsistent and misleading as to what the preferred module is. We should try to strike a balance in the middle, such as (<person-or-project-name> <module-name>) for personal projects.

3.2.2  SRFI Aliases

SRFI numbers are constantly growing, can be difficult to remember for many people, and moreover importing many SRFIs by number makes Scheme source code look overly cryptic and intimidating to outsiders. In the interests of proselytization and our own sanity we provide aliases usable in place of the SRFI numbers in the module import forms. The current list of aliases follows.

If future SRFI's suggest a reasonable name in the document, that name will be used as the Common-Scheme alias. Note that for SRFIs 1, 13, 14, 32 and 33 the names here are those already suggested in the SRFIs themselves.

3.3  Additional Syntax

Two convenience forms are provided for optional and keyword arguments.

3.4  Bootstrapping

We made a slight simplification in the example files at the start of this section, and assumed that Scheme implementations already support the common-module syntax. Currently this isn't the case for any implementation, and this is probably a good thing while Common-Scheme is a work in progress. We must therefore first bootstrap the system by first loading the common-module syntax. One approach, used by early versions of Common-Scheme, is to use SRFI-0's cond-expand form to conditionally load the needed syntax for each implementation. This is fairly ugly, and has to be updated with each implementation you add support for. More recently, SRFI-55 provided a portable way to load other SRFI's. Common-Scheme is not a SRFI, but for purposes of leveraging SRFI-55 it ``borrows'' the SRFI number 10,000 (ten thousand) and installs accordingly, so that it may be loaded with:

(require-extension (srfi 10000))

The number is chosen to be large enough to not conflict with official SRFIs4, and partly borrowing the Asian connotation of ten thousand to mean ``myriads,'' the number of modules we hope to have soon.

This require-extension form can only appear at the top-level prior to the common-module form, and can only include (srfi 10000). Implementations which support Common-Scheme natively should simply ignore this form.

1 We assume for the time being code is at least distributed over the net as files, even if an individual implementation does not make use of a conventional file system.

2 With one exception discussed later.

3 Usually when we say program we mean a native process that can be run directly from the host OS. In a SchemeOS or implementation that behaves as an OS this may be extended to the general idea of a user command which is passed arguments in the form of strings.

4 If the number of SRFI's ever reach 10,000 then we can assume Common-Scheme will either no longer be in use, or at least be deserving of an official SRFI number by that point