The following libraries are installed with Hato. Complete documentation will be forthcoming, in the meantime there are usually more detailed summaries in the source.
dns - DNS client library
domain-keys - Yahoo DKIM library
html-parser - an SSAX-like tree-folding HTML parser
lru-cache - least-recently-used cache
quoted-printable - RFC 2045 quoted-printable encoding
user-env - run sandboxed code as a specified user (for root processes)
hato-archive - mail archive (mbox, mh and maildir) utilities
hato-base64 - fast base64 encoding with MIME header utilities
hato-config - a config file library
hato-daemon - tools to daemonize a process
hato-date - date and time utilities
hato-db - abstract a file database (currently wrapper around gdbm)
hato-filter - general user mail filtering library
hato-i3db - “3-integer-key” database
hato-imap - extensive IMAP client library
hato-mime - MIME library
hato-nntp - NNTP news client library
hato-pop - POP3 client library
hato-prob - text classifier library
hato-rfc3028 - Sieve user-level mail filter implementation
hato-smtp - SMTP client library with easy send-mail utility procedure
hato-spf - SPF (Sender Policy Framework) library
hato-uri - URI parsing and manipulating library