(chibi doc)

A library for generating SXML docs from Scribble, directly or extracted from literate docs.

(ansi->sxml str)

Replace ansi escape sequences in a str with the corresponding sxml.

(print-module-docs mod-name [out])

Extract the literate Scribble docs for module mod-name and print them to out, rendered with render which defaults to sxml-display-as-text.

(print-module-binding-docs mod-name var [out])

Extract the literate Scribble docs for just the binding for var in module mod-name, and print them as in print-module-docs.

(procedure-docs proc)

Extract the literate Scribble docs for proc which should be a procedure and return them as sxml.

(print-procedure-docs proc [out])

Extract the literate Scribble docs for proc which should be a procedure and render them as in print-module-docs.


Return a new document environment suitable for passing to expand-docs, with default rules for sections, code blocks, procedure and macro signatures, etc.

(make-module-doc-env mod-name)

Return a new document environment as in make-default-doc-env, with an example-env binding mapped to an environment importing (scheme base) and the module mod-name. This binding is used when expanding examples in the docs.

(expand-docs sxml env)

Given the sxml document sxml, expands macros defined in the document environment env into standard html tags.

(fixup-docs sxml)

Resolves paragraphs and adds a header to convert sxml to a standalone document renderable in html.

(generate-docs sxml [env])

Composes expand-docs and fixup-docs.

(get-optionals-signature ls body)

(extract-file-docs mod file all-defs strict? . o)

Extract inline Scribble documentation (with the ;;> prefix) from the source file file, associating any signatures from the provided defs when available and not overridden in the docs.

(extract-module-docs mod-name strict? . o)

Extract the literate Scribble docs from module mod-name and return them as sxml. If strict? is true ignore docs for unexported values, defined by the optional exports which defaults to all the module exports.

(extract-module-file-docs file strict? . o)

As above, but extracts docs for the module defined in file, which need not be in the search path.